Monday, March 23, 2009

Evangelical Collapse Revealed by Studies on Parenting - blog link

Fascinating article that explores the decline of Evangelicalism. Thoughts??

Our church has recently done a series on reformation and revival. We've also begun to make that a focus of our prayers - prayers for revival of biblical Christianity foremost in our own homes, and then the natural effects that flow from that - i.e. revival in the church and community at large.

We (David and I) were having some discussions with friends on Christian issues and politics. I think we all pretty much came to the conclusion that the best "fight" a Christian has is beginning in his own household. If your household is in order, then everything else will flow from that. Change comes from within our close-knit familial boundaries - not by attempting to exert pressure on the larger world around us.

Of course, I don't think that means that Christians should lay idly by and watch the world collapse around them or allow their freedoms to be yanked out from under them. However, I do think that we need to be very aware that the biggest, strongest, and most successful battles are in our own homes.

Pro 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

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