Thursday, March 12, 2009

destruction of our youth

Okay, I'm not a total idiot. We live in a secular world - fallen and deprave. Sin abounds, and corruption is at the heart of all things. It is so sad and disgusting to see it creeping - nay, bounding - into our children's lives! It seems that everywhere you turn, there are over-sexualized images, sounds/music, commercials, clothing, etc... aimed at or placed prominently in the view or hearing of our little ones.

Take, for example, this information copied from Dr. Laura's blog:

Britney Spears and Kohl's Team Up

Kohl’s Department Store has signed a deal with Britney Spears for her to “represent” their Juniors clothing line - you know, the line for young girls. Part of this deal is to promote her music and current tour. Parents, here’s a sample of what Kohl’s sees as a great match for your daughter:

“Get Naked”
My body is calling out for you, bad boy
I get the feeling that I just want to be with ya’
Baby, I’m a freak and I don’t really give a damn
I’m crazy as a mother ‘effer’
Bet that on ya man

Get naked…would you mind?
Take it off (I took it off)
Get naked.

Her so-called “Circus” tour is highlighted on YouTube. Ya gotta love the guys in leather thongs and those tassel pasties she sports. Frankly, she makes Madonna’s Virgin tour look downright virginal.

Kohl’s Department Store must know that:
* Her first marriage lasted 55 hours.
* Her second marriage lasted a bit longer
* She posed in the nude for Harper’s Bazaar
* She flashed a naked crotch at photographers getting out of her car
* She has been busted for drug use
* She lost custody of her children because of child endangerment issues
* And on and on….just the role model for our young daughters of today.

Did you know that Spears was named the “Most Searched Person” in the Guinness Book of World Records in 2007 and 2009? Kohl’s probably thinks that “attention is attention” - what the hell if it sells junior-size schmatas?

One of my listeners wrote a letter of complaint to Kohl’s, stating that she is “very sad to learn Britney Spears is a part of your store. She has had such troubles and still is not in charge of her life, nor has she been found competent to raise her own kids. You have elected to reward her and flaunt her irresponsible behavior. We will no longer shop at Kohl’s.”

I read the (probably) form letter that Kohl’s wrote in response, which purported to “regret that you have concerns regarding this decision. Ms. Spears is an international celebrity and pop culture icon who embodies the spirit of the Candie’s brand and personifies the iconic ‘Candie’s Girl:’ flirty, self-confident, and stylish.”

Their letter goes on to say that Britney has a right to privacy (are you kidding? Twisting tongues with Madonna on a stage demonstrates a desire for privacy??), and her personal life does not reflect the views of Kohl’s Department Stores.

Flirty, self-confident and stylish? How ’bout “piggish, out of control, and irresponsible parent?” She is, however, PAYING Kevin Federline (a/k/a “Daddy”) some $5,000 per week while she blasts around with this vulgar tour which should make billions.

How stupid does Kellogg’s now feel for dumping Michael Phelps for sucking up pot through a bong? They actually thought that values, character and role-model responsibilities mean something! Silly, silly them.

You parents ultimately decide where your children shop and what they buy. Try being responsible and stand up for values. Send an email to:

Vicki Shamion
Vice President of Public and Community Relations, Kohl’s Corporation

It's disgusting and shameless. More and more, it is becoming difficult to fight for our children's hearts, their purity, and their overall well-being!

I emailed to tell Kohl's that I will not be shopping there, and I will be making sure that everyone I know is notified about their choice. Please - if you are at all concerned about your children - email them also!


Betsy said...

Good to know.... Thanks for the info. (sigh) I liked their clearance racks....

Alicia said...

I know, me too. I have just become more and more aware of the marketing going on around us, and how it is geared to or affecting our children. I just can't stand it anymore! I can barely stand the stuff we adults are subjected to - and now we're talking 'bout our kids! UGH... :(

Unknown said...

The perfect remedy for anything bad the world throws at our children is simple: good parenting.

Alicia said...

Very true Brandon - nothing like good parenting to help our kids!

I just wish we didn't have such an incessant battle at times!