Thursday, July 2, 2009

I think I'm back in the game!

Well... Kroger has had it's Daytona Buy 10 items get 3.00 off your order sale going on. One of the items included is the Kraft Barbecue Sauce - .99 each. They've also had boneless/skinless chicken breasts for 1.99 per pound and Kraft 2% cheese slices for 1.47 each. Yes... I have coupons!

Transaction 1:

Hubby had a deacon's meeting, so I meandered over to Kroger after church last night.

10 BBQ sauces
3 small packs of Tyson chicken
2 Kraft Cheese
-3.00 promo
-2.00 .50/1 Kraft 2% cheese coupons doubled
-10.00 10x.50 Kraft bbq coupon doubled
-3.00 3x1.00 any fresh Tyson Chicken manufacturer coupon
1.86 out of pocket cost.

Transaction 2:

I went to get my haircut this evening. Kroger was accross the street, so I naturally HAD to stop...

10 BBQ sauce
1 pkg of chicken (they only had packs in the bigger weights)
2 cheese
1 Kroger frozen veggies
1 J&J Ultra heal bandage pack (manager's special!! for 3.99)
-3.00 promo
-2.00 .50/1 Kraft 2% cheese coupons doubled
-10.00 10x.50 Kraft bbq coupon doubled
-1.00 1x1.00 any fresh Tyson Chicken manufacturer coupon
-5.00 J&J bandage coupon (overage!)
.89 out of pocket

Transaction 3:

Well, after finding out that the bandaids were so cheap, I just had to do one more transaction for the night at another store on my way home.

10 BBQ
3 pkg chicken (had the lower weights here)
1 loaf of Kroger bread (.78)
2 pkgs Kroger bacon on manager special (.99 each)
1 pkg cheese (could've left this off, but really - it freezes and this is a great price!)
1 pkg of Goldfish (.99 and proof you shouldn't shop while hungry)
1 J&J bandage (2.29 at this store - gonna have to go back for that!)
Same coupons as before (none for bacon, goldfish, or bread)
1.96 out of pocket

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