Friday, July 31, 2009

Some encouragement for parents...

I've been making my way through Hebrews, and I came upon this verse today:

Hebrews 12:11

For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

This is talking about the discipline that believers receive from God, but it struck me as how true it is in our parental discipline as well. There are days that seem full of disciplinary moments, and it becomes weary. Not only is it arduous for the child to endure, but it is difficult for the parents to continue in consistency as well. There are days that I can *almost* see why some parents fall into the temptation of choosing to never discipline their children. It is difficult work!

However, we as Godly parents need to remember that the discipline we give today (for the fortieth time) has not only an immediate goal of correcting unwanted and improper behavior, but a future goal of turning the hearts of our children toward God, raising them up with fruits of obedience and love, and indwelling their hearts with the "peaceful fruit of righteousness" of God.

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