Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

We had a lovely day. We woke up lateish, and David didn't feel great, so we ended up missing sunday school. The girls enjoyed the time being able to dig through their baskets and play with their bubbles. We did make it for worship, and it was such a wonderful service. We had communion too - and that is always a special time of fellowship with our sisters and brothers.

Afterward, we went to Curt & Sarah's house. It was a lot of fun. We met some new couples with kids who were very nice. The munchkins ran around playing, and then had an easter egg hunt. The baby tried sticking a big yellow volleyball in her basket... lol. She wanted the ball more than the candy-filled eggs... lol.

We left earlyish because David was still not feeling great. We came home, napped, and just hung out for the rest of the evening. It's been a great Easter Sunday.

1 comment:

Rhebekka said...

That was lots of fun! =)